In addition to safety and security, the principal objectives of the MASAR’s rail project and its future operation are to:
• Provide a convenient and reliable light rail service within the Kingdom and Region.
• Provide fully accessible transit (universal design) to the elderly and persons with disabilities.
• Improve the Saudiazation in railway industry during the operation and maintenance period
• Increase the region’s economic potential by improving mobility.
• Minimize the operating costs associated with the delivery of transit services.
• Crowd management inside the stations
Moreover, we provide a stable train services though system upgrade and preventive maintenance to prevent all unsafe factors such as emergency problems and to protect the life of all properties. MASAR along with partners provide corrective maintenance works for subsystem and equipment in connection with the system such as the arrangement and correction of all equipment , software upgrades, system parameters reconstitution, etc. and preventive maintenance activities.
In addition to the preventive maintenance which is conducted in the fixed maintenance cycle according to the life of parts specified by suppliers and the schedule to be planned according to the need of our client. The maintenance activities that we are capable can be categorized as
• Communication System & SCADA System Maintenance
• Depot Equipment Maintenance
• Overhead Catenary Maintenance
• Power Supply & Distribution Maintenance
• Rolling Stock Maintenance
• Signaling Systems Maintenance
• Track work Maintenance